Generic structure:
Mr.Ursini stood on the bridge, ready to jump. As her was poised on the brink of disaster, father callahan came to see him.
''My son, please came down from there.Nothing is worth dying for."
"Is that so!" challenged Mr.Ursini,''My neighabour...remember when he ran off with my wife?''
''Yes''. said the priest,''but that was over a year ago.
You've gotten over that''.
''I know ,'' said the man
''Because,'' replied Mr.Ursini. ''he called Mr.Ursini ,''he called me this morning say he's bringing her back.''
(Taken from Enriching your vocabulary, Through Anecdotes 2)
1.What is the type of the text above ?
2.What is the social function of text ?
bY : Ayuk andriya_Chuswatun H_Nila dian S_Septiana rahmawati_Suyatni
ini bu guru yang ngajar english leaguage pas kelas 3